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564 CATS ADOPTED in 2023 |
Finder Foster Program
This is different from our traditional foster program in two ways: 1)You have the cat or cats. We are not giving cats to you. 2) This is a one time foster commitment and you are not intending on fostering once your cats are adopted. Of course if you find the experience rewarding you can always become a full-fledged FURR Foster home! Program details: -All vetting is paid for by FURR. Cats are fixed, vaccinated, dewormed, flea treated, FIV/FelV tested and microchipped Prior to adoption. -All vetting done at our approved vets. -Cats will legally belong to FURR once we have paid for vet visits of any type, including vaccines given by volunteers. -Anyone who wishes to adopt must fill out an adoption application and be approved, this includes family, friends and even you. We are thorough with our adoption process and check vet records and housing. If you rent we call the landlord. You are not guaranteed to be approved simply because you foster. -Cats must be kept indoors at all times. No leash walking. -You will supply photos and a little biography/description once the cat is ready for adoption. -You will make efforts to attend adoption events in order to increase chances of getting cat or kittens adopted. -You will need to keep cat or kittens separate from your personal pets for 2-3 weeks and until FeLV tested (usually done at spay and neuter). This is for the safety of your pets. Your pets should be current on vaccinations. -Sometimes we can move cat or kittens into other more permanent and experienced foster homes when needed but we cannot always guarantee if and when this can happen. |